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Utgiven av smiffycolin


Let's have a little talk. - Not now.

I didn't come all the way over here for my health.

All right.

Go on home to the house and we'll talk.

Hi Jimmy. Thanks, but it's my house. So it is. Do you want me to leave? My aunt asked

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me to come here. Yes she did. Now let's start talking. Now I know you don't want to answer,

let me rephrase that, I know you won't answer my questions. You're hiding something from

your aunt. Now from what I can tell you are not mentally ill. You have a secret. Now I

know you probably wouldn't want your aunt to know what your secret is, but maybe you'll

share it with me. There's no secret. Do you like your aunt Jimmy? Sure, she's great. What

school do you go to? Valley Junior College. Any problems there? No. So no secrets and

no problems.

Jimmy, I have to talk to you.

Just a minute.

Oh, the door's unlocked.

Jimmy, are you having a nervous fit?

No, my zipper sticks.

Not in public, I hope.


That could be a problem.

It's not.

Then we don't have a Freudian problem.

Then we don't have a Freudian problem.


Good, I'm glad at last we have an understanding.

Or a lie.

Since you have no emotional problems and no physical problems,

we might as well get down to some regular schoolwork.




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