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Visa mer

Ohh..Mamma Mia

Utgiven av OFSinfuldeeds




How are you?

It's been a while.

Oh my gosh, so long.

Visa mindre Visa mer

Are you not cold?


Are you not cold?

Um, no, it just starts underground.


This isn't bad.

I need some for your throat.

Oh, okay.

Hang on.


So what's been new?

Yeah, I'm

temporary staying here.

Oh good, that's nice.

Oh no?

No, I'm kidding.

It's just home too much right now.

Yeah, it gets a little difficult

living with parents.

How's the workouts been going?

How's your...

I gained a little bit more weight.

Yeah, you have. You've definitely been filling out.

You can tell?

Yeah, it looks good.

I showed this like a month ago.

Three weeks ago.

Almost four weeks.

And this, I came back like this.


Yeah, I literally came back like this.

Like that's how skinny I was.

Yeah, 160 is not good.

I came back three weeks, I've been eating like

six, seven meals a day.

Yeah, a million percent. You should be taking those

like boost shot things.

I couldn't eat anymore.

Yeah, I mean you're raising pressure.

It's always full, right?

How much do you eat now?

I didn't eat anything today.

Oh good!

So in three weeks, I gained like 30, almost like 30 pounds.

Isn't it crazy what the body does?

Yeah, I can't even ***** flat

every day.

I can't feel like...

So yeah,


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  • 17:23