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get my leg all the way up in the air now and touch my knees
that's cool
I wonder if I can
not as far
so show me some of your yoga moves
um alright
they have us do this
like this
and then
you're good at those
and then we do this thing too
with like a really straight back
I think I can do that one
it's good for meditating and stuff
oh your nails look pretty
you have small hands
let's see
yeah they look the same
we both have small hands
small fingers
yeah skinny
your feet look small too
I wonder if it doesn't look the same with yours
I really like the color blue today
I just woke up and I was like blue
oh I like your toenails
oh thanks
I like yours too
thanks they're so cute
I always get them done
me too
I like my feet to be pretty
yeah me too
I'm pretty flexible sometimes too see
I can't
I used to be able to put my leg around my head
I put it as far as I could go too
it doesn't go all the way
maybe this one
no that one's even worse
yeah mine too
let's see if our feet are the same
wow we're pretty similar
except for you have a big butt
I know
little bitch
so what do you want to do today?
I don't know
we should do something for ourselves
I like that idea
how about we start with some yoga
you can teach me what to do and I'll follow you
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- 19:23